许多患者手部湿疹纠结于如何治疗它,如何应对这一事实需要洗你的手和你的手正在使用一整天,每一天。我给我的手湿疹患者的建议是,尽量减少洗手的次数。当然,我们必须洗手在某种程度上和某些人的工作要求。我建议得到一个温和的肥皂和肥皂,你无论你去。不要使用公共厕所肥皂。这些往往是非常便宜和严厉的肥皂和他们会非常,非常干燥。因此,当你使用温和的肥皂洗手,你随身携带。尽量不使用热水,之后每一次你的手弄湿,所以每次你洗手或如果他们由于任何原因弄湿,随身携带一只手保湿霜和使用护手霜而不仅仅是身体乳液,因为手霜厚。和应用,在每次你洗你的手。晚上你可以做的另一件事是当你有一段时间,你不必洗你的手。 Slather on that hand cream, get some cotton gloves, put those gloves on. You can even use Aquaphor or Vaseline underneath these gloves and sleep in them. And that will give your hand some time to recover. I also find that some patients do better with hand sanitizer and find that that’s less drying. And some patients find that washing their hands is less drying than hand sanitizer because there are some chemicals in the hand sanitizer that can irritate people with eczema. But, try one or the other and see which is less irritating and less drying for you.