在当今世界关于慢性疾病猖獗的误区,弄清楚什么是假,什么是事实可以混淆。生物制剂,该类药物来治疗多种慢性疾病从牛皮癣风湿性关节炎。但是很多人,包括新病人,不确定这些药物是如何工作的,和支离破碎的解释,“生物制剂生物注入你的身体,“不帮助很重要。真相?生物制剂是由蛋白质、糖甚至活细胞,但是没有实际生物体内注入。的承诺。让我们仔细看看一些关于生物制剂的索赔轮。另外,科学说什么这些疗法是如何工作的。注射是很痛苦的。假的还是事实? Fake! No lie. Injections can sting or burn. But people with psoriasis say it’s nothing compared to the pain of having a flare. There are two ways to self inject biologics. A traditional needle and syringe allows you to control the speed of injection. If you just want to get it over with, use an auto injector device that does the injecting for you with the press of a button. To lessen the discomfort, rub an ice cube over the injection site for about five minutes first and then the area. Biologics raise your risk of infection. Fake or fact? That’s a fact. Here’s what happens: In people with psoriasis, an overactive immune system reacts to a perceived threat by pumping out certain molecules, such as IL-17A, which trigger an inflammatory response and cause painful, itchy plaques to appear on the skin. Biologics are immunosuppressant drugs that target and block these molecules, reducing them in number and preventing a flare. But as a consequence of suppressing your immune system, biologics put you at a higher risk for infections, which can be serious. Talk with your doctor to make sure you are a good match for biologics and schedule regular checkups so your doctor can monitor your symptoms while on the medication. Biologics work best when cold. Fake or fact? Fake! It’s true you want to store your medication in the refrigerator to keep it from going bad, just like you would store a carton of milk. But when it comes time to take your biologic, experts recommend warming it to room temperature first. The reason? Injecting cold fluid can increase a patient’s perceived pain. Room temperature meds may lessen your discomfort. You don’t need daily treatment to control psoriasis. Fake or fact? Fact! Some PSO meds are daily, but in the case of biologics, you might take your medication every other week or once every four months, depending on the drug your doctor prescribes. Which one you take depends on several variables, including lifestyle, plaque severity, and how well your body responds to it. It is not uncommon to begin your psoriasis treatment with one drug and then switch after a certain period of time if it becomes less effective. Biologic injections can cause nerve damage. Fake or fact? That’s fake, folks. This misleading rumor likely got its start because in rare cases, certain vaccines have been linked to nerve damage and vaccines are considered a form of biologics. For instance, in the summer of 2021, a handful of people who received the COVID-19 vaccine also developed Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare nerve disorder. But there is no known correlation between biologics for psoriasis and nerve damage. Although you may experience temporary redness and swelling at the site of your injection. And those are the facts, people! Don’t always assume what you hear or read on the internet is accurate or true. There’s plenty of misinformation out there, which is why it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before jumping on a new trends bandwagon. And, of course, check back with HealthCentral for the very latest science-based advice.