医学博士Sheila Rustgi:我们整天都在谈论便便。所以(笑),你知道,我认为只要知道你之前的病人,你之后的病人,你知道,他们可能有或没有克罗恩病,但你知道,每个人都可以以某种形式与这些症状有关,你知道吗?每个人都腹泻过,你知道的,他们以前吐过。我想只是试着,你知道,记住这一点,这对你来说是非常亲密的,但我们正在和很多病人谈论非常相似的症状。
Julia Liu, MD:我认为这是一个很好的观点。我是说,我们是大便医生。我是说,让我们面对现实吧。我们做结肠镜检查。我是说,当我的孩子们发现我做了什么,他们说,哦,天哪,这就是你做的?我说,是的。所以,你知道,我每天都看便便,我说,有时病人甚至给我看他们的便便。我是说,我们就是这么做的。我只是让病人知道,看,这些是你需要记录的关于腹泻,关于出血,关于你有什么其他症状,疼痛。我总是向他们解释,我们所说的肠外表现。 And then black patient skin problems is extremely common and they have these really bad perianal diseases. Uh, and they have multiple fistulas. I mean, those are all-- You, you explain to them, this is, this is what you’re expecting. This is what you have. And these are the things we need to do to get you better. And everything is put in context so that they don’t feel like, oh, why is this happening to me? I think if they are going through something, you need to, you know, explain to them what it is. And a lot of my patients have my cell phone numbers because, you know, they don’t know what to do, right? It’s especially if they’re new to this disease. You want to find a doctor who actually cares about you and you’re comfortable with. You know, but that’s not to say I, I keep all my patients. There are always patients who just don’t click with me. And I completely understand that. That’s why I say, please find a doctor that works for you, you know? And, and don’t hesitate to do that.