大卫·祖玛医学博士:的生活方式的改变,我想很多帮助患有Crohn氏和相关条件真正环适用于许多不同的医疗问题。保持均衡的饮食,良好的可溶性纤维,吃不同的食物,你知道,精益蛋白质,如果需要营养师指导。我认为充足的睡眠是至关重要的。我们没有足够的睡眠,特别是在美国。不仅得到所需的小时数,但一个好质量的睡眠。良好的睡眠卫生。锻炼是非常重要的对心血管的好处,但也维持低水平的压力焦虑。能改善运动性或胃肠道实际上如何移动或合同。也有时,你知道,如果关节伤害,你知道,影响或低,你知道的,或非影响练习,特别是骑自行车和游泳,如果你有这些活动,可以真正恢复。所以非常有帮助。 I think a combination of diet, exercise, especially aerobic exercise, and good quality, adequate sleep are probably the mainstays from a from a lifestyle aspect of managing this long term condition.
蒂娜Aswani翁:一种生活方式的改变,我真的很影响我的克罗恩氏;我开始有点谈论综合健康。当我谈到综合健康,我也意味着你的整个生活方式。对我来说,这意味着运动。很多时候,作为病人,我们认为我们不能锻炼。我有如此多的关节疼痛,排便疼痛,很多肠漏努力锻炼。但是,在这个过程中我学到了什么,我并不是一个跑步者以任何方式或一个运动员,相信我,但我认为真正帮助改变的方式,我认为关于克罗恩病和炎症性肠病一般是物理治疗。我开始去物理治疗手术后,我会问我的医生处方。对我来说这是非常重要,因为我觉得我的迁移和范围的迁移是有限的。他们会鼓励我走,但我想要更多。 I wanted to start stretching, and I wanted to start doing yoga and Pilates. They put me in things like pelvic floor physical therapy because I had so much perianal disease and chronic pain and chronic scarring. That pelvic floor physical therapy really helped. Even after this last surgery that I had in November to clear out bowel obstructions, I started pelvic floor physical therapy under the guidance of my doctor a month after surgery, or about five weeks after surgery, and it’s been six months since I started PT. And that PT has given me so much more mobility. I’m using the elliptical. I’m walking six to 10,000 steps a day now, doing stretches on my own, and I have to say, the mind body connection is real here. With exercising, my mental health improves, my body image improves, and with exercising, I just feel like I have control over something because my body is doing so much that’s out of my control that I can actually give myself something that my body can do. Even though it’s not like running ten miles or anything. I can do something that makes me feel good about myself, that gives me clear mental health, also makes me feel physically fit and strong again. And the added bonus of that is a lot of my chronic pain goes down. If I keep moving, I feel like I am not going to lose that range of motion anymore. It’s like that saying, if you don’t use it, you lose it. So I keep using it so that I don’t lose it.